#1 10-04-13 21:53:56



Skąd: Łódź
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Kishan
Ulubiona część: II

Questions in english

Q: Where did you come up with the characters Ren and Kishan and the story behind them?

A: I've always love handsome princes and, as some of you know, I have a thing for Superman, so Ren ended up being a handsome prince that looks a bit like Superman. He has some things in common with my husband like he gives great massages and he writes poetry but he also has some different qualities. He's prone to jealousy (I could flirt with pretty much anyone and it wouldn't bother my husband) and Ren is a great gift giver which is also not the hubby (have you heard the corn dog story?) Kishan started out being a bad boy in my mind but I ended up loving him just as much as Ren, maybe even a little more. =) Kishan ended up being more of a hero in the end I think so he's every bit as worthy as his brother. Any mistakes Kishan made were because of love and it's hard not to feel a little sympathetic for him.

Q: How did you choose Kelsey's name? Was it just picking the name randomly or did you choose it for a particular reason? was it the same with Ren's and Kishan's names?

A: This is a question I get asked frequently so I will probably go ahead and add it to my FAQ list. Kelsey was a name I just liked. I wanted it to morph into an easy nickname which was Kells but then I realized that Bella was Bells and sort of dropped it in the books. Not sure if you all noticed that. Dhiren and Kishan are both Indian names but from different parts of India. I was told about halfway through Curse that they would never be brothers because names in India were localized but I was too attached by then and kept them. Kishan means black I believe and Dhiren means strong one.

Q: Are the dreams that Kelsey has in Tigers Curse meant to foreshadow later events? Like Ren's torture or whatever. And is the major flirting between Durga and Kishan meant to foreshadow their connection?

A: Yes. If you go back and reread those passages with the knowledge you have by the end of Destiny you will perhaps see little things that were put in as foreshadows. I do this alot. Another example is when Kelsey and Ren are on the beach in Quest and Kelsey mentions sharks and diving.

"Och, wiem, mogło być gorzej, mogliście dać mi jakiś pierścień i wskazując na wschód, powiedzieć, że trzy tysiące kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak łatwo nie było.
"Złodziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#2 22-04-13 15:37:04



Skąd: Łódź
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Kishan
Ulubiona część: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: In Tiger's Curse when Mr. Kadam and Kelsey are fly to India, Mr. Kadam asks Kelsey if she'd like to hear about myths from his country. He mentions a myth about tiger's bravely fighting great dragons. Did you already have Tiger's Destiny in mind when this is mentioned? Or did you build the rest of the story off that myth?

A: Ah a which came first the chicken or the egg question. I think the idea of dragons came first and the myth followed.

Q: So in TD Ren is standing in the woods with Durga and he has his arms around her when Kelsey sees them. Will we ever know what was said between Ren and Durga? She had to have known something and it wasn't long before they leave for the battle and he gives her the ring. If Durga had been honest with him as to how it would turn out I would expect that it helped him decide to give it to her instead of keeping it to himself. Is there more to the story?

A: This is a good question. It's very likely you will learn what was going on in both of their heads when I do Destiny daily quotes. Sadly, that is probably a few years off as I'm still in the early part of Quest.

Q: How do you pronounce the name of Kelsey & Ren's daughter?

A: Kamala Deschen Rajaram. Kamala (the K is for Kelsey and it's just like it sounds--Ka as in cut, and mala sounds like walla. Deschen is De like desk and shin like a shin bone)

(uwielbiam imię Kamala, od zawsze)

Q: In Destiny, when they went to see Durga and Kelsey was telling her about their adventure--she said there was a shark and Durga was confused about that and she looked at Mr. Kadam. Did i miss something or is that not explained yet?

A: Good catch and not explained yet.

Q: Do Kishan and Dugra have children? Because he mentioned that he had a family in his letter to Kelsey and Ren?
And also, why does Dugra call Kelsey her daughter when she visits all the statues, but then when Kelsey was in the past, she was Dugra's sister?

A: Yes. Their relationship is complicated. If you carefully reread the letter Kishan sends in the sacred scroll at the end of Destiny. It might help to answer your questions. Hint: The original end of Destiny makes this more clear.

(teraz pytanie- jaką wersję zakończenia czytaliśmy? czy w polskim wydaniu będzie zakończenie orginalne?)

Q: I just read the Original Ending of Tiger's Curse (and had a good cry at the end too) and I just want to know, why did you not use that as your actual ending? Was it because it closed things off more?

A: It was changed during the editorial process. I am happy with the new ending too but I'm glad to give you fans an opportunity to get to read it all.

"Och, wiem, mogło być gorzej, mogliście dać mi jakiś pierścień i wskazując na wschód, powiedzieć, że trzy tysiące kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak łatwo nie było.
"Złodziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#3 24-04-13 14:19:54



Skąd: Łódź
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Kishan
Ulubiona część: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: I was wondering what parts were really hard to write? And what was really fun and easy to write?

A: I loved writing Voyage the most because I love everything about the ocean except actually entering it. Those monsters and the dragons were fun and I really enjoy writing love spats. The hard parts for me are battle scenes. My little brother has to help me figure those out.

Q: Why is Kelsey so afraid of commitment? If her parents had divorced under not so pleasant circumstances, I think I would understand better. However, it seems that she had a pretty good example of a happy marriage in her parents. Was it just that their death traumatized her so deeply that any human contact and sympathy freaks her out?

A: Kelsey is not so much afraid of commitment (though we just learned that Li thinks she is) she is more afraid of losing the people she loves. In a way, she thinks that if she truly loves someone then she's basically condemning them to an untimely end. The interesting thing is that she didn't feel this fear with Kishan. There are a number of reasons for this that you can think about on your own and there is perhaps more about this that has yet to be explained. When she was with the Phoenix she acknowledged that she felt she didn't deserve to be happy, that taking hold of joy was somehow unfair because other people in her life could no longer experience that. Kelsey had to get past that to be able to move on.

Ostatnio edytowany przez lutka (24-04-13 14:21:10)

"Och, wiem, mogło być gorzej, mogliście dać mi jakiś pierścień i wskazując na wschód, powiedzieć, że trzy tysiące kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak łatwo nie było.
"Złodziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#4 24-04-13 20:51:49



Skąd: Łódź
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Kishan
Ulubiona część: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: So I have read the Rising Generation and its new epilogue Father of India. When I was reading it I had to reread one part a few times "Phet informed me that I am my own ancestor". So the Ren and Kishan father is one of Kishan's great grand kids?

A: Yes. This is one of the time paradoxes in the story and it will make you go crazy if you think about it too much. If Kishan had not stayed in the past he would not be the "Father of India" specifically the Rajaram house. His progeny ended up being his own ancestors.

Koszmar- tłumaczenie ostatnich zdań: Jeśli Kishan nie pozostanie w przeszłości, nie zostanie ojcem Indii ani domu Rajaram. Jego linia potomków kończy się na jego własnych przodkach.

Sposób myślenia Colleen mnie chyba przerasta..

"Och, wiem, mogło być gorzej, mogliście dać mi jakiś pierścień i wskazując na wschód, powiedzieć, że trzy tysiące kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak łatwo nie było.
"Złodziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#5 25-04-13 13:24:29



Zarejestrowany: 18-07-12
Posty: 1640
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Ren's my home
Ulubiona część: I i IV
Ulubiona para KT: Rensey

Re: Questions in english

PIERWOTNE zakończenie IV części jest najlepsze!!!!!! :D <powiedziała miłośniczka Rena xD>

Znużona, przetarłam oczy i zgniotłam poduszkę pod głową. Usłyszałam cichy głos Rena, gdy nucił naszemu nowo narodzonemu synkowi w pokoju obok. Mówił do niego łagodnie w hindi i chociaż nadal nie rozumiałam tego języka, rozpoznałam słowa, którymi Ren zwracał się do naszego synka - Mera raja beta - co oznaczało "Synku, mój mały książę".



#6 25-04-13 14:00:31



Skąd: Łódź
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Kishan
Ulubiona część: II

Re: Questions in english

Destiny napisał:

PIERWOTNE zakończenie IV części jest najlepsze!!!!!! :D <powiedziała miłośniczka Rena xD>

Miłośniczce rena mogę to ewentualnie wybaczyć... ale jako osoba, która sama pisze opowiadania musisz przyznać, że Collen namieszała i stworzyła mało mądre rozwiązanie. Poza tym, jesli rzeczywiscie zastanawia się nad tą V (czy sobie ją darować), to narobiła wiele niespodzianek,. niedomówien i znaków zapytania...

"Och, wiem, mogło być gorzej, mogliście dać mi jakiś pierścień i wskazując na wschód, powiedzieć, że trzy tysiące kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak łatwo nie było.
"Złodziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#7 25-04-13 14:54:41



Zarejestrowany: 18-07-12
Posty: 1640
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Ren's my home
Ulubiona część: I i IV
Ulubiona para KT: Rensey

Re: Questions in english

Ależ oczywiście, że przyznaję ci rację. Według mnie ona tak naprawdę nie ma pomysłu na zakończenie w ogóle całej serii. Przynajmniej takie jest moje zdanie.

Znużona, przetarłam oczy i zgniotłam poduszkę pod głową. Usłyszałam cichy głos Rena, gdy nucił naszemu nowo narodzonemu synkowi w pokoju obok. Mówił do niego łagodnie w hindi i chociaż nadal nie rozumiałam tego języka, rozpoznałam słowa, którymi Ren zwracał się do naszego synka - Mera raja beta - co oznaczało "Synku, mój mały książę".



#8 25-04-13 18:40:06



Skąd: Łódź
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Kishan
Ulubiona część: II

Re: Questions in english

Destiny napisał:

ona tak naprawdę nie ma pomysłu na zakończenie w ogóle całej serii.

ano właśnie!
gdyby była konsekwentna, i tak jak przez połowę I części pokazywała że Kishan jest zły, tak potem zrobiła z niego większego bohatera.. tym samym się zaplatała.
Gdyby Kishan był rzeczywiście zły, i po prostu chciał Renowi odebrać Kelsey, sprawa z zakończeniem byłaby prosta..
a tymczasem miała superbohatera i super-super bohatera i dziewczynę w wieku "wątpliwości " co zakończyła wielkim poświęceniem, bzdurnym zakończeniem i Kelsey jako kurę domową :D

"Och, wiem, mogło być gorzej, mogliście dać mi jakiś pierścień i wskazując na wschód, powiedzieć, że trzy tysiące kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak łatwo nie było.
"Złodziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#9 26-04-13 21:11:25



Skąd: Łódź
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Kishan
Ulubiona część: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: From whose point of view will Dream be?

A: Tiger's Dream is utterly top secret. I am going to keep this one completely spoiler free for as long as is humanly possible. That includes POV. Sorry. =)

Q: Is there a special edition of tigers quest as well as voyage?

A: The new paperbacks (TQ will come out in May) in the US are both special editions. TC paperback has Kelsey's recipes in there and TQ will have the special Ren chapter that is in the Voyage US hardback.

Czyli.. V powstanie, ale jest tajemnicą.. dodatkowo  dwie pierwsze części zostały wzbogacone o dodatkowe rozdziały, których w Polsce się raczej nie doczekamy...

"Och, wiem, mogło być gorzej, mogliście dać mi jakiś pierścień i wskazując na wschód, powiedzieć, że trzy tysiące kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak łatwo nie było.
"Złodziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#10 27-04-13 08:49:04



Zarejestrowany: 18-07-12
Posty: 1640
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Ren's my home
Ulubiona część: I i IV
Ulubiona para KT: Rensey

Re: Questions in english

Teraz dowaliłaś "Kelsey jako kura domowa", phahahahahaahahaha xD

Znużona, przetarłam oczy i zgniotłam poduszkę pod głową. Usłyszałam cichy głos Rena, gdy nucił naszemu nowo narodzonemu synkowi w pokoju obok. Mówił do niego łagodnie w hindi i chociaż nadal nie rozumiałam tego języka, rozpoznałam słowa, którymi Ren zwracał się do naszego synka - Mera raja beta - co oznaczało "Synku, mój mały książę".



#11 29-04-13 18:00:39



Skąd: Łódź
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Kishan
Ulubiona część: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: Do you think there's a possibility that the movie could be released in 3D considering the gorgeous locations described in the books which would certainly bring it more to life and something new to the table considering no other adaptation franchise has.

A: Yes. The plan is for it to be 3D.

ciekawe... ogólnie nie lubię filmów 3D...

"Och, wiem, mogło być gorzej, mogliście dać mi jakiś pierścień i wskazując na wschód, powiedzieć, że trzy tysiące kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak łatwo nie było.
"Złodziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#12 30-04-13 10:38:50



Skąd: Łódź
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Kishan
Ulubiona część: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: Where did you get the idea to use a black tiger?

A: I was researching tigers and came across a story of a black tiger being hunted in the Indian jungle. Kings sent hunters to find him but there was never a photo and he was never caught. Hunters brought back black panthers but never a tiger. It is possible to have a black tiger just like black panthers but there has never been one that we have evidence of. I thought the stories were fascinating and Kishan's tiger self came from that.

I tu się myli, jest co najmniej jedno zdjęcie czarnego tygrysa :P
A przy okazji- biały tygrys przy czarnym, to strasznie pospolite umaszczenie :P

Ostatnio edytowany przez lutka (03-05-13 15:13:53)

"Och, wiem, mogło być gorzej, mogliście dać mi jakiś pierścień i wskazując na wschód, powiedzieć, że trzy tysiące kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak łatwo nie było.
"Złodziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#13 03-05-13 15:14:21



Skąd: Łódź
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Kishan
Ulubiona część: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: In tiger's voyage, when Kishan had the argument with Ren (where he see's the kiss and he finally remembers everything) why did Kishan not tell Kelsey about it? Was it because deep down he knew that he only had a short time to be with Kelsey or was it because they were always too busy and he never had the right time to tell her.
I'm sorry I know this is long but it really has been bugging me. If he knew Ren would get his memory back and they would fight over her again why would he not tell her so that her and Ren could get back together. Did he not know what the argument was about or what? I know certain things were meant to happen and whats done is done but I just feel bad for our Ren because he had to watch Kelsey and Kishan be together even though they were never destined to be...

A: The argument Kishan saw in the Grove of Dreams was only the part where Ren wanted to break up with Kelsey. He didn't know why and he didn't see the kiss where Ren got his memory back. Kishan only knew that at some point Ren would be breaking up with her. He actually tried to tell her at first and then she cut him off and he held back after that because first of all it was a dream and secondly, he didn't want her to be hurt.

"Och, wiem, mogło być gorzej, mogliście dać mi jakiś pierścień i wskazując na wschód, powiedzieć, że trzy tysiące kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak łatwo nie było.
"Złodziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#14 10-05-13 05:46:58



Skąd: Łódź
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Kishan
Ulubiona część: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: I was wondering about the Shiva and Parvati story told in Tiger's Voyage. Is this just a story to teach a lesson? Or did this really happen? I was wondering how Kishan and Durga's relationship had to do with Shiva and Parvati, or if it had nothing to do with it at all?

A: You are right to assume that there is more going on there than just playing a role. This story was meant to be a foreshadow of the future. Kelsey took on the role of Parvati and Kishan was Shiva which irritated Ren because he ended up as the outsider Indra, a lovely conundrum intended to confuse the reader and make them think that symbolically Kishan and Kelsey should be together when actually Kelsey was representing Durga (another avatar of Parvati). The foreshadow was an indication of Kishan's future, not Ren's and Kelsey's.

"Och, wiem, mogło być gorzej, mogliście dać mi jakiś pierścień i wskazując na wschód, powiedzieć, że trzy tysiące kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak łatwo nie było.
"Złodziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#15 10-05-13 11:56:57


Zagubiony w dżungli

Skąd: Idris
Zarejestrowany: 30-04-13
Posty: 190
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postać: Dhiren, Kishan, smoki, Phet ;3
Ulubiona część: Wyprawa oraz Przeznaczenie
Ulubiona para KT: Kellsren

Re: Questions in english

Destiny napisał:

Teraz dowaliłaś "Kelsey jako kura domowa", phahahahahaahahaha xD

hEH, ;D

-To, że czasem potrzebujemy pomocy, nie znaczy, że jesteśmy słabi.
– Klątwa Tygrysa na zawsze w moim serduszku ♡



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