#16 12-05-13 09:55:52



Skąd: £ód¼
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
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Ulubiona postaæ: Kishan
Ulubiona czê¶æ: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: When Phet tells Kishan and Kelsey that only Damon can bring Ren back, was Kishan already technically Damon even though the transformation had not been made yet?

A: This is an interesting question. Kishan will become Damon but at this point he hasn't yet made the choice so he is harnessing the power of his future self. Phet knows who Kishan is to become and is guiding him towards his destiny but he also allows Kishan to make the choice freely. It brings up the debate of can we really be free to make our own choices if the future is already determined. In his letter in Destiny, Kadam says, "...even though your feet have been set on a path that is not of your choosing you still have the freedom to decide your own destiny." It's not that Kishan didn't have a choice it was simply that his choice was known.

To te¿ trochê bez sensu, bowiem mówimy o amulecie Damona, a  nie wiadomo, gdzie ten amulet ma swoje miejsce w czasie- my znamy tylko nastêpuj±ce jego dzieje- z³o¿ony w ca³o¶æ po bitwie, zostaje rozbity na kawa³ki, które z kolei zostaj± rozdane wielkim przywódcom ró¿nych krain. Lokesh postanawia scaliæ je w medalion i st±d ta walka... ale sk±d siê w ogóle wzi±³ ten medalion???

Q: Kelsey puts her hands on the mirror and talks to Ren. Her hands are warm and he acts like he could hear her talking. What happened from Ren's perspective?

A: Ren and Kelsey have a cosmic connection. In Destiny they learn that they can hear each other's thoughts when they take on the role of Durga and her tiger. Without understanding how it happened, Kelsey guided Ren with her thoughts. The light from her hands is that special glow power that exists between them, that manifests in the form of a golden light. They can heal one another with it. It works like a sort of an energy transfer. Ren felt Kelsey's call and headed off after it even though he had to swim through the ocean to get to her. It existed even when Ren lost his memory though when he broke up with her, Kelsey did her best to block it out. If you remember Ren could feel her after she left India at the end of book one as well. Though they were separated by a great distance, he was tuned in to her emotions. Kelsey could sense Ren on the beach, or coming up behind her. They were always hyper aware of each other even from the beginning.

Ostatnio edytowany przez lutka (12-05-13 09:57:55)

"Och, wiem, mog³o byæ gorzej, mogli¶cie daæ mi jaki¶ pier¶cieñ i wskazuj±c na wschód, powiedzieæ, ¿e trzy tysi±ce kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak ³atwo nie by³o.
"Z³odziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#17 14-05-13 14:26:44



Skąd: £ód¼
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
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Ulubiona postaæ: Kishan
Ulubiona czê¶æ: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: In tigers quest, when kishan and kelsey visit durga, they see damon curled up at her feet, is that kishan's future self?

A: You're thinking of Tiger's Curse. There was no tiger at any of the temples except the first one. To answer your question...you'll have to wait and see

Colleen powoli nie¶wiadomie  odpowiada i na moje pytania, które stawia³am sobie po przeczytaniu sagi:P
Jeszcze jakby odkry³a Allu Arjuna jako Kishana- by³oby bosko :P

"Och, wiem, mog³o byæ gorzej, mogli¶cie daæ mi jaki¶ pier¶cieñ i wskazuj±c na wschód, powiedzieæ, ¿e trzy tysi±ce kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak ³atwo nie by³o.
"Z³odziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#18 19-05-13 17:18:22



Skąd: £ód¼
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
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Ulubiona postaæ: Kishan
Ulubiona czê¶æ: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: I was just wondering, did Durga (the statues of Durga that came to live) know all about what is going to happen (what happened in the past)? that she was Anamika, or that Kishan became her (Anamika's) husband, or that they will come to past and Kelsey will help her destroy the demon? sorry for my english and thanx for your answer

A: That is an excellent question that for now will remain unanswered.  But, I will tell you that there are little clues in those temple scenes that might hint at what is to come.

ps. có¿, Colleen nie ograniczy³a sie do "ma³ych" wskazówek, tylko wali³a nimi czytelników po g³owie.... ale odpowiedzi ca³kowitej na pytania jestem bardzo ciekawa.

Q: Hey Colleen, so another question. When Ren went through his "forgetful phase" about Kelsey and didn't want any part of her, he didn't like peaches and cream ice cream. But, did he ever like it? Because it seems that it could have been a symptom of Durga's magic, but it also seems as if he never did like peaches and cream and only faked it for Kelsey. Thank you so much!

A: Ren genuinely prefers peanut butter chocolate. Peaches and cream is not his favorite flavor but he chose it anyway at the Tillamook Cheese Factory to prove his dedication, especially because he felt threatened by Kishan's presence. When he rejected it at the bday party it didn't have anything to do with Kelsey though to her it felt like a slap in the face

hehe, no i ma³e oszustwa siê wyda³y :P

Q: If Durga gave Kelsey Fanindra, then Durga got Fanindra when she went back in time then where was she born, where is she from, and how did she become Queen of the serpents?

A: Ahh good question. That is for me to know and you to find out  I'll admit though that it is a tough one.

Ostatnio edytowany przez lutka (19-05-13 17:22:09)

"Och, wiem, mog³o byæ gorzej, mogli¶cie daæ mi jaki¶ pier¶cieñ i wskazuj±c na wschód, powiedzieæ, ¿e trzy tysi±ce kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak ³atwo nie by³o.
"Z³odziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#19 21-05-13 15:42:35



Skąd: £ód¼
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postaæ: Kishan
Ulubiona czê¶æ: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: Once Phet called Kishan "father of many" and in the letter Kishan wrote he said that he and Durga have a family, is there any information that you could give me?

A: You are right but there isn't any more info I can give you on this at this time. All I can say about it now is that there is more to come.

Q: Are you going to compile all the quotes you do everyday, from the other characters, into a book? I would love to have all of these in one place. I didn't start reading the quotes until you were in Tigers Quest.

A: The Curse quotes are on one of my blog posts currently and when the new website launches they will be in a more obvious place. I don't think I'll compile them in a book format but they will all be accessible once we get the website going.

"Och, wiem, mog³o byæ gorzej, mogli¶cie daæ mi jaki¶ pier¶cieñ i wskazuj±c na wschód, powiedzieæ, ¿e trzy tysi±ce kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak ³atwo nie by³o.
"Z³odziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#20 21-05-13 18:44:14



Skąd: £ód¼
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
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Ulubiona postaæ: Kishan
Ulubiona czê¶æ: II

Re: Questions in english

Kilka starszych :

Q: In Voyage, yingailong, the white dragon said the key could only be accessed by one with the blood of the gods running through his veins, does this have to do with kishan being called "the father of many"? Also the part where kelsey was trying to unlock the seventh pagoda doors but she couldnt unlock it, and it says hands covered hers and guided her and unlocked the doors...the thing is.. in the book it says hands, but it didnt say whos hand that helped kelsey..Do these two things somehow connect?

A: The first part of your question is a yes the second part is no.

Chyba musze przeczytac w koñcu III po angielsku, bo jako¶ nie kojarzê tego, by klucz do ¶wi±tyni móg³ wyci±gn±æ wy³±cznie ten, w którego ¿y³ach p³ynie krew bogów :P

Q: Have you ever thought pf publishing a version of Kelsey's journal full of her entries and all of Ren's quotes and poems? I was thinking about copying them into a journal of my own and came up with the idea. If you haven't thought about it, could it be a possibility?

A: Yes. I've thought of this. The question isn't whether I'd be willing to write it but instead would anyone want to publish it? For now the answer is no but that may change in the future.

Q: in one of the books, Kadam is telling Kelsey about life after the guys had been cursed and he says that they (Kadam, Ren, Kishan, and their parents) lived in a small hut in the jungle not far from the Waterfall and that when Ren and Kishan's parents died he buried them in the garden...is their Phet's hut? and did Phet ever meet them before they died? and how DID they meet Phet in the first place?

A: Here is a link you can look at. A is Kishan's jungle where the Rajaram family escaped to. B is the Yawal Wildlife Sanctuary where Phet lives. C is Hampi, D is Mumbai and E is where I imagine Ren's house is.

https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Nall … mra=ls&z=6

Q: why is it that kelsey could heal fast in kishkinda but not as fast in the other realms?

A: Natural wounds heal fast (bear claws in Shangri-la) but immortal wounds like the shark bite, the Kappa bite, the Kracken bite, (Kelsey gets bit a lot doesn't she) take a lot out of her. Some are fatal some aren't. The Kappa bite was poisonous so Fanindra saved her. The shark pretty nearly took off her leg and the Kracken bite wasn't fatal which is why Fanindra did nothing. She still healed pretty darn fast considering it opened her leg.

Q: Why do Mr. Kadam and Lokesh call each other "old friend?" Were they friends before Lokesh's betrayal?

A: It's more like they were rivals. Lokesh sent men to infiltrate the Rajaram empire and Kadam was in charge of the military. He thwarted Lokesh's plans. Kadam didn't trust Lokesh and advised the family to be cautious with him. When Lokesh found he couldn't infiltrate by using his military, he used another way, his daughter, who he managed to get betrothed to Ren.

Q: Have you considered writing a prequel book to the Tiger Curse Series? About Ren and Kishan's life before the first book and leading up to it? I think it would be awesome if you did since we all love and are so interested in the brothers and their life prior to your books. Thanks!

A: Yes. I've given it some thought.

pewnie st±d mamy te bonusowe rozdzialy :)

Q: I have another question. In the 3rd book, after the beach party, she said a man came in and touched her forehead. Who was it?
A: I leave that open to your interpretation.

có¿, jako¶ pow±tpiewam w to, by Ren doszed³ do wniosku, ¿e na chwile ja pocieszy a potem znów zostawi by cierpia³a :P wiêc... cóz raczej Kishan

Q: If Ren was a tiger when he was captured, how did the circus know his name was Dhiren?

A: Mr. Kadam eventually found him and tried to purchase him from various circuses saying that the tiger once belonged to him and answered to the name Dhiren. To prove this he would call Ren over and the tiger would make a big show about how much he loved Mr. Kadam. It never worked but after seeing how Ren responded to his name, one of the circus trainers picked up on that and used that name. It stuck from circus to circus.

pytanie ca³kiem niez³e :)

Q: So I was rereading Tiger's Curse and curious as to why Ren didn't go back into his cage after he snuck out to call Mr. Kadam? Was this because he wanted Kelsey to know that she could trust him in his tiger form?

A: Ren was just enjoying being out of his cage for once. He wasn't trying to prove anything to Kelsey.

Q: Thought just crossed my mind - the quote about Kishan going to his office at Rajaram Headquarters in JAPAN. Where has Nilima been when she isn't personally helping Kells, Ren, Kishan, and Kadam? One of the bedrooms in the India Mansion is hers, but all the time that the others are there, Nilima is absent. In the bonus material "A New Boss", she had just been hired by Kadam to basically run Rajaram Industries, right? HAS NILIMA BEEN LIVING IN JAPAN? At the Star Festival when she had her lantern and was debating between the fire and the water, she tossed it into the water (meaning that ‘he’ is far away, as in not in India). What’s going on with Nilima?!? Does she have a boyfriend in Japan?!? A lot of people are hoping that something happens between Nilima and one of the brothers, but this raises lots more questions!

A: Nilima does work a lot in Japan. Some work she can do from home on conference calls but since she is the "face" of Rajaram Industries she has to make an appearance. There is a lot more to Nilima than just being an airline stewardess. When she goes to the US in a "helper" role she is doing a lot of behind the scenes work that Kelsey is unaware of. She does not have a boyfriend in Japan mostly because she works so much. A fact that her mother has a hard time accepting. Good question!

Q: At the end of tigers curse ren tells kelsey that he doesnt know how to read english, then in the beggining of tigers quest kelsey finds an email to ren from mr kadam in english, plus he attends school. so did he suddenly learn to read english or was this an oversight and do ren, kishan, and mr kadam have accents?

A: Ren, Kadam, & Kishan can all speak English fluently. Kishan and Kadam with a more British accent and Ren has picked up a more American twang by living in US for a century. When Kelsey leaves for Oregon, Kadam begins to tutor both Ren and Kishan in reading English. The email Kelsey saw was very short.

Ostatnio edytowany przez lutka (21-05-13 19:07:02)

"Och, wiem, mog³o byæ gorzej, mogli¶cie daæ mi jaki¶ pier¶cieñ i wskazuj±c na wschód, powiedzieæ, ¿e trzy tysi±ce kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak ³atwo nie by³o.
"Z³odziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#21 24-07-13 05:21:45



Skąd: £ód¼
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postaæ: Kishan
Ulubiona czê¶æ: II

Re: Questions in english

(mam sporo zaleglo¶ci, ale te najwazniejsze posty dodam)

Q: Hey Mrs. Colleen, I just finished Tiger's Destiny. This series has amazed me from the beginning. And now all I can think is that I don't want it to be over! Will the series continue? Will you write a series on Ren and Kelsey's children? Or Kishan? I truly don't want this to be over! I love your writing and thank you for such an amazing adventure. I truly enjoyed this journey.

A: Thank you. There is a plan for at least one more book, Tiger's Dream but I have thought about writing a Wes book, a Li book, Lords of the Flame books and even dragon books, so you never know.

hm... a bodaj¿e swego czasu Colleen pisa³a, ¿e nie interesuja jej pisanie ksi±¿ek z perspektywy innych bohaterow, wiêc... mo¿e dobrze zaczê³a zarabiaæ:P tylko po co pisac o Wesie, Li lub W³adcach Ognia???

Q: Mrs. Colleen, when you decided what color Ren and Kishan's fur was going to be why did you choose white and black? Do black tigers actually exists or is that just how you pictured Kishan in your mind?

A: Kishan's fur was going to be traditional orange at first but I found a story about a black tiger living in the jungle at one time. I asked some tiger specialists and they said it was a possibility. Black and white reflects the themes better. You have Yin/Yang, good/evil, etc. I wasn't entirely sure Kishan was going to end up a good guy but I fell for him as much as for Ren.

Po raz kolejny dodam, ze stworzy³a bohatera idealnego :D

Q: Now, my question is (I know, I know, it's terrifying) have you ever considered killing one of the three main characters? I was hoping not to lose Ren, Kelsey or Kishan. Then I started wondering if you ever had an idea like that. Thank you for reading this and I'm really sorry if I made any grammatical mistakes. I'm still learning English. Kind regards from Poland!

A: Hello to Poland  The killing of a main character is a heartbreaking decision. Sometimes a book calls for it. Death happens. Having said that, death is not always permanent as many of you know who have read my series. Yes, I have considered killing off a main character and I think most authors consider it each time they plan out a book. I think it can be unrealistic to have all the characters survive, especially in terrible battles. For example, in Breaking Dawn, I thought it would have been much more poignant to have at least one of the characters die. It would have wrenched on the heartstrings a little more. Overcoming terrible odds makes the victory much sweeter.

ha, zapytanie  Polski.  Des, miesza³a¶ palce w tym pytaniu ? :P

Q: When Kelsey and Kishan were in Shangri-la what were the stories Kelsey told Kishan? Are they real stories?

A: Kelsey shared several stories in Shangri-la. The purpose of adding these is not only do they fit the theme of the books but they hint at feelings either one or both of the characters are feeling at the time. With Chloris and Zephyrus, the theme of flowers or paradise fits with Shangri-la and because this is the air book and Zephyrus is the god of the wind, it also reflects the theme. Chloris needed Zephyrus to use the wind to pollinate her flowers and Kelsey needs Kishan desperately in this book. In fact, she would have died without him. With the story of Narcissus, I was trying to have the characters explore the idea of what true love means. Is it something shallow like loving a reflection or an idea of something or does it go deeper? With the story of Gilgamesh, I explored the idea of eternal life. This was part foreshadowing as well because Kishan would be drinking the soma in the next book. The snake shedding his skin and being reborn alludes to changing your fate and Kishan becoming the man he was always supposed to be. The fact that Gilgamesh tried to cheat fate but it found him anyway, thwarting his plans, is a foreshadow for Kishan's future choices. He was always bound by his fate regardless of what he wanted or thought he wanted. With Hugin and Munin the idea of thoughts and memories becoming clear was important. Kishan needed to understand what really happened with Yesubai and realize that his past mistakes could be forgiven and that he could move forward from it. Thanks for such a great question!

Pytanie rzeczywi¶cie fajne i ka¿dego z fanów mitologii powinny te legendy ciekawiæ

"Och, wiem, mog³o byæ gorzej, mogli¶cie daæ mi jaki¶ pier¶cieñ i wskazuj±c na wschód, powiedzieæ, ¿e trzy tysi±ce kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak ³atwo nie by³o.
"Z³odziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#22 19-09-13 08:54:15



Skąd: £ód¼
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postaæ: Kishan
Ulubiona czê¶æ: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: does Mr. Kadam like tea ? and if so what would his favorite be? thank you so much for tiger's i loved getting lost in the world you have made thank you so much and i cant wait till tiger's dreams and your new books to thank from one of your biggest fans

A: Thank you and yes he is a tea drinker. His favorite is orange blossom.

Q: Hi Colleen! I was just in the middle of ready Tiger's Quest for the third time and I came across a little part I didn't understand. When Kelsey and Kishan are sleeping in the Grove of Dreams, Kells wakes Kishan up and he says, "Okay, honey, but how about a kiss first? A man needs some motivation to get out of bed." So I was wondering who he was dreaming about? I don't think it was about Kelsey.

A: Hmm that is one of my clues planted for a later book. Good catch.

rozumiem w±tpliwo¶æ, ale wola³abym nie mysleæ, ¿e to sen z przesz³o¶ci go¶ci³ Kishanowi w g³owie, skoro powinna mu sie przy¶niæ przysz³o¶æ..

Q: Hi! I'm a huge fan of your books and you are a huge inspiration for me in my writing! Okay, so I was wondering if Kishan was always going to become Damon or if it was something that you went back and forth on for a while deciding which brother it would be that stayed and which one got Kelsey, or if it would happen at all?
Also, in the other ending of Destiny that was up during the scavenger hunt, when you talked about Anik being born, is his birthday significant to anything or is it just a random day that you picked?

A: I always knew how the book would end but I wanted the reader not to know and I wanted Kishan to have a real shot with Kelsey. Baby Anik's birthday doesn't have any special significance other than the fact that he was born


no niestety, autorka wielokrotnie podkresla³a, ¿e zamys³ g³ównej pary mia³a wczesniej ni¿ ca³a ksi±¿kê..

Q: When you first started Tigers Curse did you already plan Mr.Kadam's death? Thank you

A: Yes. I knew he would not make it to the end of Tiger's Destiny. At first, I thought he would be departing in Tiger's Voyage but I loved him too much to let him go so early. Kadam's passing broke my heart. I cried over him and still do when I reread that passage.

Q: In Tiger's Voyage, Phet gives Kishan the Divine Scarf to hold, only for it to quickly change colors to green and black. Apparently, this embarrassed Kishan, because he blushed. Do these colors indicate the jealousy Kishan has toward Ren or is there something more to it? Phet seemed to understand what it meant.

A: Good catch. You are correct. Phet caught the color change and since the scarf is essentially a mood ring, it often shows what the people are thinking about. The color change to green was reflective of Kishan's jealousy.

Có¿, Kelsey zdawa³a byæ sie jedyna nie¶wiadoma znaczenia koloru zielonego :P

Q: Hey Colleen! I have a question! Why did Mr. Kadam sacrifice himself to save Kelsey and the brothers? I know he saw the future and had to do this to stop Lokesh in the woods. Mr. Kadam said that this is the only way, but after Lokesh was sent into the past, he would've been safe in the present. Why didn't Mr. Kadam take the kamandal?

A: Kadam explored the outcomes of every conceivable plan that would save himself and still allow everyone else to fulfill their destiny. He came to the conclusion that there was no other option available to him.

Jak na moje oko Kelsey plus jej harem, który potrafi zmieniaæ siê w tygrysy to ca³kiem niez³e rozwi±zanie- a Kadam nie musia³ umieraæ..

Q: I was reading Destiny and noticed that we never find out what Kelsey's present is at the end of the book. What is it?

A: I never actually planned anything but I would assume the gift would be ultra fabulous. What do you all think Ren got her for her birthday?

Q: Another question... What did Kishan do with the Phoenix's egg that he'd chosen as a "reward"? Has he ever used it?

A: Good question. This will come up again in book five.

Pytanie dobre, sama tez sobie je zadawa³am.

Q: Does Sunil falling for Nilima when he first sees her have any special meaning?

A: Perhaps. Ask me again after you read Dream

Q: In tiger's voyage, when Kishan had the argument with Ren (where he see's the kiss and he finally remembers everything) why did Kishan not tell Kelsey about it? Was it because deep down he knew that he only had a short time to be with Kelsey or was it because they were always too busy and he never had the right time to tell her.
I'm sorry I know this is long but it really has been bugging me. If he knew Ren would get his memory back and they would fight over her again why would he not tell her so that her and Ren could get back together. Did he not know what the argument was about or what? I know certain things were meant to happen and whats done is done but I just feel bad for our Ren because he had to watch Kelsey and Kishan be together even though they were never destined to be...

A: The argument Kishan saw in the Grove of Dreams was only the part where Ren wanted to break up with Kelsey. He didn't know why and he didn't see the kiss where Ren got his memory back. Kishan only knew that at some point Ren would be breaking up with her. He actually tried to tell her at first and then she cut him off and he held back after that because first of all it was a dream and secondly, he didn't want her to be hurt.

no straaaaasznie mi przykro :P ¿e Ren musia³ siê mêczyc ogl±daniem poca³unków Kishana i Kelsey.. swoja drog±, zaoszczêdziliby sobie wiele nieporozumieñ i dziwnych przygód, gdyby tylko czasem siebie wys³uchali..

"Och, wiem, mog³o byæ gorzej, mogli¶cie daæ mi jaki¶ pier¶cieñ i wskazuj±c na wschód, powiedzieæ, ¿e trzy tysi±ce kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak ³atwo nie by³o.
"Z³odziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#23 19-09-13 17:49:08



Zarejestrowany: 18-07-12
Posty: 1640
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postaæ: Ren's my home
Ulubiona czê¶æ: I i IV
Ulubiona para KT: Rensey

Re: Questions in english

Q: Does Sunil falling for Nilima when he first sees her have any special meaning?

A: Perhaps. Ask me again after you read Dream

Uuuu... czyli ju¿ wiemy, ¿e "Tiger's Dream" raczej nie bêdzie tylko o Kiszonce skoro ma pojawiæ siê Sunil i Nilima. Mo¿e ju¿ bêdzie szczê¶liwa rodzinka Rajaramów - Al, Kells, Anik i Camala >.> (aww, uwielbiam podkre¶laæ, ¿e to Ren bêdzie tatusiem :evil:).

Znu¿ona, przetar³am oczy i zgniot³am poduszkê pod g³ow±. Us³ysza³am cichy g³os Rena, gdy nuci³ naszemu nowo narodzonemu synkowi w pokoju obok. Mówi³ do niego ³agodnie w hindi i chocia¿ nadal nie rozumia³am tego jêzyka, rozpozna³am s³owa, którymi Ren zwraca³ siê do naszego synka - Mera raja beta - co oznacza³o "Synku, mój ma³y ksi±¿ê".



#24 19-09-13 20:36:08



Skąd: £ód¼
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postaæ: Kishan
Ulubiona czê¶æ: II

Re: Questions in english

Destiny napisał:

Q: Does Sunil falling for Nilima when he first sees her have any special meaning?

A: Perhaps. Ask me again after you read Dream

Uuuu... czyli ju¿ wiemy, ¿e "Tiger's Dream" raczej nie bêdzie tylko o Kiszonce skoro ma pojawiæ siê Sunil i Nilima. Mo¿e ju¿ bêdzie szczê¶liwa rodzinka Rajaramów - Al, Kells, Anik i Camala >.> (aww, uwielbiam podkre¶laæ, ¿e to Ren bêdzie tatusiem :evil:).

powiem tak- ostatnio mam wra¿enie, ze to bêdzie ksi±¿ka pisana na si³e- bo chocia¿ wiele pytañ zosta³o zadanych, to i tak sama akcja nie ma za bardzo czego dotyczyc. z Doswiadczeia z innymi lekturami wiem, ¿e takie ksiazki nie wnosz± nic ciekawego.

"Och, wiem, mog³o byæ gorzej, mogli¶cie daæ mi jaki¶ pier¶cieñ i wskazuj±c na wschód, powiedzieæ, ¿e trzy tysi±ce kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak ³atwo nie by³o.
"Z³odziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#25 21-09-13 17:56:11



Zarejestrowany: 18-07-12
Posty: 1640
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postaæ: Ren's my home
Ulubiona czê¶æ: I i IV
Ulubiona para KT: Rensey

Re: Questions in english

Na sile bêdzie na 100%, co do tego nie mam w±tpliwo¶ci. Colleen tak naprawdê zakoñczy³a wszystko w IV czê¶ci. Wiem, ¿e jako fanka "KT" powinnam byæ za cd., ale osobi¶cie wolê, ¿eby Colleen ju¿ zostawi³a w spokoju tygrysy i wziê³a siê za t± now± ksi±¿kê :3

Znu¿ona, przetar³am oczy i zgniot³am poduszkê pod g³ow±. Us³ysza³am cichy g³os Rena, gdy nuci³ naszemu nowo narodzonemu synkowi w pokoju obok. Mówi³ do niego ³agodnie w hindi i chocia¿ nadal nie rozumia³am tego jêzyka, rozpozna³am s³owa, którymi Ren zwraca³ siê do naszego synka - Mera raja beta - co oznacza³o "Synku, mój ma³y ksi±¿ê".



#26 28-09-13 14:24:00



Skąd: £ód¼
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postaæ: Kishan
Ulubiona czê¶æ: II

Re: Questions in english

Destiny napisał:

Na sile bêdzie na 100%, co do tego nie mam w±tpliwo¶ci. Colleen tak naprawdê zakoñczy³a wszystko w IV czê¶ci. Wiem, ¿e jako fanka "KT" powinnam byæ za cd., ale osobi¶cie wolê, ¿eby Colleen ju¿ zostawi³a w spokoju tygrysy i wziê³a siê za t± now± ksi±¿kê :3

wzie³a siê, wzie³a- ma byæ wydana wcze¶niej ni¿ Dream. Ale sama sie przyzna³a, ¿e powtarza w±tek mityczno mistyczno- tajemniczy z bodaj¿e romansuj±cym trójk±tem. Tyle, ¿e zamiast po d¿ungli indyjskiej bêdziemy teraz po pustyni marzeniami ³azic ..:P


Q: Hi, Colleen. I'm not sure if you'll get this; if you do, awesome... I have to use Facebook because i'm not on Twitter or do blogs. But I have a question. I was rereading parts of Tiger's Voyage and maybe I missed something or didn't read a part like I thought I did, but what was Kishan going to talk to Ren about right after Kelsey told them the truth about what happened in the vision she saw with Lokesh, the whole wanting an heir and things. I'm not sure how else to describe the scene so i'll write it.

Kishan nodded distractedly, kissed my forehead, and stopped at my door. "Eighteen hours, huh? That sounds like a lifetime." He smiled. "Ren and I need to talk." He brushed a finger across my cheek. "I'll see you in the morning, okay?"
Confused, I nodded and went to bed.

That part? Like I said, maybe I missed something. I don't really remember.... your books to death!!

A: Thank you! Yes, I remember that part. Well, there was an awful lot to talk about. They were headed back to the real world where they knew Kelsey would be in danger, Ren had his memory back and wanted to rekindle his relationship with Kelsey while, at the same time, Kishan wasn't his brother to understand that Kelsey was with him now. Both brothers were going to lay their cards on the table and then figure out a way to save her no matter what happened.

"Och, wiem, mog³o byæ gorzej, mogli¶cie daæ mi jaki¶ pier¶cieñ i wskazuj±c na wschód, powiedzieæ, ¿e trzy tysi±ce kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak ³atwo nie by³o.
"Z³odziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#27 29-09-13 14:50:44



Zarejestrowany: 18-07-12
Posty: 1640
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Ulubiona postaæ: Ren's my home
Ulubiona czê¶æ: I i IV
Ulubiona para KT: Rensey

Re: Questions in english

Eee... trójk±t? To jednak nie bêdê czytaæ xD

Znu¿ona, przetar³am oczy i zgniot³am poduszkê pod g³ow±. Us³ysza³am cichy g³os Rena, gdy nuci³ naszemu nowo narodzonemu synkowi w pokoju obok. Mówi³ do niego ³agodnie w hindi i chocia¿ nadal nie rozumia³am tego jêzyka, rozpozna³am s³owa, którymi Ren zwraca³ siê do naszego synka - Mera raja beta - co oznacza³o "Synku, mój ma³y ksi±¿ê".



#28 29-09-13 19:41:26



Skąd: £ód¼
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postaæ: Kishan
Ulubiona czê¶æ: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: So I was wondering why did you make Kishan a black tiger? Because Damon is regular bengal tiger, so why change him?
And I have another question: where can I read about Ren and Kelsey's kids? I haven't seen anything about it in the books, but I saw some fans talking about that online.
That's all, Thank you so much

A: Hmm good question. You'll have to wait and see. Ren and Kelsey did have kids and you can read about that in some bonus material I released on the last scavenger hunt. If you didn't get a chance to read that then ask here on the facebook page and some other fans will help you out.

Q: How many bonus stories have you done and what are they?

A: Here is the list of all the bonus material I've written
1) A Dream Forgotten (bonus chapter in special edition of TV
2) A Guide to the Dragons (For B&N Nook readers in store download)
3) A Leap of Faith (Hitting follower milestone bonus)
4) A New Boss (Hitting follower milestone bonus)
5) All Hallows Even (Summer hunt 2011)
6) Arranged (Spring Hunt 2012)
7) Book Trailers for TC, TQ, TV
Hope (Hitting Follower milestone bonus)
9) How Writing a Book is Like Making a Dress (B&N Nook bonus)
10) Kelsey's Recipes (UK Kindle/TC Paperback bonus)
11) Meet the Characters (No idea if this one was ever used)
12) Miracle Girl (B&N Nook bonus)
13) Study Guides (will be adding to paperback editions)
14) The City of the Seven Pagodas (Article for RT)
15) The Ghost of Christmas Past (Winter Hunt 2011)
16) True Life (An article never used about which parts of the book came from my personal life)

That's the entire list.

hmmmm, wiekszo¶ci z nich nie posiadam ...

"Och, wiem, mog³o byæ gorzej, mogli¶cie daæ mi jaki¶ pier¶cieñ i wskazuj±c na wschód, powiedzieæ, ¿e trzy tysi±ce kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak ³atwo nie by³o.
"Z³odziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#29 10-10-13 22:08:32



Skąd: £ód¼
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postaæ: Kishan
Ulubiona czê¶æ: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: Was there a specific reason as to why every man that meets Kelsey wants to date her? the whole time i was reading the books i was getting this sort of damsel in distress kind of vibe. No offense, i truly do love your books. ^__^

A: Like Ren and Kishan, the Lords of the Flame and the Rakshasa sensed power in Kelsey. This was mostly what they were attracted to. For the normal guys in Quest, that was totally a fluke and just made for an interesting contrast between Ren and Kishan and all the rest.

Ok, ale mo¿na by zadaæ to samo pytanie odno¶nie Wesa, Li.. i innych ch³opaków z collegu... Nie wierzê, by oni tak¿e wyczuwali od Kellsey "moc". Poza tym, mo¿na by w±tpiæ, w szczero¶æ uczuæ tygrysów - czy gdyby nie czuli mocy, zainteresowaliby siê ni±?

Q: Hi Colleen I had a question, when Kishan gives Kelsey the Damon Amulet how come whenever she gets hurt she doesn't heal like shes supposed to? Thanks Im a big fan of your books!

A: Kishan's piece is the fire piece. It doesn't heal.

Proste.. przecie¿ by³o to poruszane w ksi±¿ce?!

Q: what would happen to Kelsey if Ren had not lost his memories of her? What would he said and what would Lokesh have done? Did you think 'bout that?

A: All we know at this point is that something terrible would have happened to Kelsey if his memories had not been taken.

"Za Chiny ludowe" nie ruszyliby dalej ze zdobywaniem kolejnych fantów dla Durgi. Nie dotarliby nawet do Shangri-La :P

Q: Hi again, Colleen! Why has Mr. Kadam never gone to Phet's hut with Kelsey, Ren, and Kishan?

A: He has been to Phet's hut, once. This was when he got the initial prophecy on how to recognize Kelsey.

Q: Hi, Colleen! I love your book series! But I'm confused about something. When Kishan and Kelsey visit the temple together, and see Durga and Damon, doesn't Kishan reconize himself as Damon? Doesn't he reconize his scent? Thanks!

A: I would suggest rereading the temple scenes in each book because you're missing something. The only thing I will say regarding this is that there is more going on in the temples than you might think.

Muszê zajrzeæ do III i IV czê¶ci, ale w dwóch pierwszych tygrys sie pojawi³ na pewno- i w obu czê¶ciach tygrys by³ pomarañczowo-czarny. Do¶æ ciêzkie wydaje mi sie jednak istnienie dwóch tygrysów jednocze¶nie- robi siê za du¿y ba³agan- Kishan z Kells, Damon z Durg±, a gdzie¶ w d¿uglii, w jakim¶ grobie jakby znajome..? ko¶ci tygrysa... Czy mo¿na namotaæ jeszcze bardziej?

Co jednak zwróci³o moj± uwagê teraz, to fakt, ¿e Durga zwraca³a siê do Kellsey jako " córko", i w I czê¶ci skupia³a swoj± uwagê na d³oni Kellesy, g³aszcz±cej futro Rena.. czy¿by niuansami zapowiada³a przysz³e zainteresowanie Durgi w³a¶nie Renem ?

Q: Hellow I'm from Brazil and I'm fan of tiger's curse. Love so much... before i wanted kelsey with ren. but now, reading the forth book, i want that Kelsey be with Kishan. They get a beautiful couple
Is it possible that kelsey be with kishan in the finish of the tiger's curse?

A: I love Kishan too and understand your feelings. I'm glad that you feel as strongly about him as you do. That was my intention. The story isn't completely over so just try to remember that as you think about things.

Autorka sama sobie zaprzecza- wcze¶niej wyjawi³a, ¿e postaæ Kishana nie mia³a okazaæ siê tak± dobr±.

"Och, wiem, mog³o byæ gorzej, mogli¶cie daæ mi jaki¶ pier¶cieñ i wskazuj±c na wschód, powiedzieæ, ¿e trzy tysi±ce kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak ³atwo nie by³o.
"Z³odziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




#30 14-10-13 14:45:14



Skąd: £ód¼
Zarejestrowany: 30-09-12
Posty: 1239
Punktów :   
Ulubiona postaæ: Kishan
Ulubiona czê¶æ: II

Re: Questions in english

Q: Hi Colleen! I'm rereading the series starting from Tiger's Curse and there's something I never really understood - even tho we discover her powers later in the series... when Kelsey goes back to the tent after watching Ren/Kishan's hunt - she falls asleep and is chasing after Ren in a thunderstorm. Once she reaches him in her mangled up gold dress, you say that he is in Tiger form and his fur is scorched from lightening strikes which Kelsey admits was her doing. How is that so and why would she have hit him with lightening of all people even if she was emotional? Thank you!!

A: The lightning is symbolic. Kelsey feels like she causes the death of everyone around her and this was a foreshadow of her rejecting Ren and choosing Kishan. It was also a foreshadow of what happened to Ren in book four.

"Och, wiem, mog³o byæ gorzej, mogli¶cie daæ mi jaki¶ pier¶cieñ i wskazuj±c na wschód, powiedzieæ, ¿e trzy tysi±ce kilometrów dalej jest Mordor, ale i tak ³atwo nie by³o.
"Z³odziej dusz" Aneta Jadowska




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